Introduction: Horn of Africa News Agency on the anniversary of its founding thirty-two years ago

Monitoring, following up and analyzing the latest political, economic and social developments in the Horn of Africa and its geographical surroundings is a major work of the agency, which was established in 1989 in Germany and Austria, Because this mission plays a vital role in forming an important information and data base that is accessible to politicians, writers, journalists, businessmen and ordinary individuals.To take note of the developments in the countries of the Horn of Africa in various aspects of life.

Aware of this important role played by the Agency with its various branches in the visual, audio and written media, especially as we live in what is called the information age or the information revolution In our attempt to develop our work and monitor the latest international developments through cooperation and coordination with the United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna (UNCAV) – and the UNIS- United Nations Information Service Vienna – we have taken an important step that we did not find in the African media, except for a few cases that differ in form and content ,There is no doubt that doing such work may entail a great effort that requires a qualified cadre and a long time and a wealth of information sources, We are heading for its development year after year by renewing our performance and continuously benefiting from high-level and documented sources of information in line with the future aspirations of the Agency.